Montag, 27. Januar 2014

Word|less Monday | 2.2014


Friday, I received the weekly email from my doctor
at the Universitätsklinik Düsseldorf.
"Dear Mrs. Müller-Gutsche,
thank you so much for your blood works of this week. How are you
doing? All set for the weekend? You will be happy to hear, that in your
blood work of last week we could only verify donors cells.
Best regards, Yours G. Kobbe."

In other words: my last chemotherapy, the one over Christmas, did it
again. We fought back leukemia once more and now, my donors
t-cells can go ahead and eliminate that ****ing leukemia
for good.

I thought you'll like that :-)
And my new hair style. Thanks, honey!
Friday, January 24, 2014

* Word|less Monday. is a new prompt I'm trying to establish on a weekly basis throughout the year. I was inspired by Jen's "Word(less) Wednesday". Check out her awesome blog

2 Kommentare:

  1. OH wie wundervoll diese Zeilen zu lesen.
    Lass dich aus der Ferne mal arg dolle drücken.

  2. Das hört sich ja mal ganz wunderprächtig an.
    Freut mich ungeheuer.
    Alles Gute weiterhin.
    Und die Frisur: très chic!!

    Ganz liebe Grüße



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